Customer Testimonials
Here are a few words of praise from some of our satisfied customers:
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I took Mona (Flint x Dazzle) on her first hunting trip a couple of weeks ago... After flushing the first two birds, she held a staunch point on the last three. She improved on each bird and showed a lot of potential as a hunter. She also did very well following commands and staying in range. I am excited to get in a couple more hunts with her this season.
Kyle Whitfield
A picture speaks a thousand words.
Opening Day Grouse Season 2008
Eric DeClercq
...we adore Mickey and know 100% without a doubt that if we get one or two more...they will be from you.
...I just regret that we had him neutered....
Carla and John
Blue did extremely well on his first hunt, had some great points, good whoa, marked the birds as they fell, and had a really soft mouth. He was working with some labs and was flushing when the time was right. All in all I am a proud papa. Thanks for the great pointer!
Chad Means
Dash is doing great, he won the Colorado State Pheasant Championship in both the open pointing and puppy division this year... He made the top 10 in the NBDCA nationals and qualified for World Finals in October so I am excited. Dash is truly an exceptional dog at such a young age!
Blake Wilson
My Durango is the love of my life. He is devoted to me, knows my moods, and is a great companion. I love High Point Kennels so much I brought one of my friends over and she has a full sister from a different litter. We both have decided we will never be without another dog from Susan. I will always sing her praises. She is the best breeder I have ever come across. She really cares about these dogs and always does right by them. I have a great deal of respect for her. You don't see that many breeders who care so much about the dogs they have and worry about their mental and physical well being. I hope she continues to do this for years to come.
Val Gates
After 35 years of owning gun dogs, 25 years of which with GSPs, our youngest male suddenly died of Malignant Histiocytosis at 4 years. He was a great dog well on his way for various hunt titles. We were devastated and our oldest, a 12 year old female was also. We researched many different GSP breeders for our new family member based on size, temperament, intelligence, overall characteristics, and hunting lines. We knew what we wanted but the challenge was to select a breeder.
After searching the Internet all over the US we decided on Susan Herrel and Highpoint Kennels in Yoder, CO. We noted the quality of the Sires and Bitches, the well-kept kennels, the kennel’s reputation and a breeder that obviously loved her dogs. My wife and I decided that because of age differences with our 12 year old that we should get two pups and after consultation with Susan decided that they should be about four to six months apart in order to facilitate the pups bonding with us as opposed to just with each other. Susan was a great mentor and the long distance flight arrangements to Virginia were as much a priority concern for Susan as it was for us.
We became smitten by Heidi, (From a Flintlock and Claret litter).
4 months later we immediately selected Hans, (from a Flintlock, Dazzle litter) They have been easy to train, very biddable, well behaved, enjoy people and other dogs and most of all are true companions. They are extremely “birdie”…. Butterflies, moths, sparrows, anything that flies doesn’t stand a chance. At ten months Heidi is responding well to training, has a very flashy point, retrieves to hand and I will get to hunt over her this fall. At six months, Hans is very birdie and discovering that the big brown thing at the end of his muzzle is for finding birds……really slams on point, and water retrieves from our pool is what really turns him on.
The greatness of Highpoint doesn’t begin and end with their amazing dogs. Susan is a terrific person who truly loves each of the puppies she sells, and it shows. She has shared her knowledge and experience with us to help guide us with our selection and training. With that said, make no mistake that these dogs will surpass all of your expectations. The natural ability of our pups as hunters along with their intelligence has shined brightly from day one, and even with all the love we give our pups, they manage to return it tenfold. I never knew such dogs existed, and from here on out I’ll never forget. Thanks again Susan for our wonderful pups and all your help.
We strongly recommend Susan Herrel at Highpoint for your next German Shorthair.
Chris and Kathy Snyder
Virginia 2011

Bella was the #1 puppy in the Gimmick-- Flintlock breeding. She is making progress in all areas and continues to surprise me. She has a one of a kind personality and has become my shadow in the last couple of months. Her hunting instinct is unbelievable!! She loves to sniff out birds, rabbits and her retriever dummy. She points rock solid on planted pigeons and we are working on her pheasant ground tracking to prepare her for the pheasant opener. She has adopted our black lab as her mother and best friend. Bella goes for a 2 or 3 mile run most days and she doesn't skip a beat. The most amazing thing I have ever seen was she Bella was about 12 weeks old. I was feeding my quail and I accidentally left the door open.. Bella..always hunting something followed her nose in the door.. with Gambels quail running 3 feet in front of her.. she locked up on a solid point..and never broke to try to catch a bird. I was so proud of my little girl. To bad she isn't that little anymore. As I write this Bella is laying on her bed sleeping outside on the patio. She always drags her bed to a spot that she can see me through the window. She was a fearless puppy. She could sleep through a 10 gauge blasting over her head. I love her. I only wish my parents would let me have the female puppy you have available right now. Thanks for an amazing dog.

Written 3/27/14
We are a married couple in our 30s living in Thornton, CO that had decided through rigorous debates that we were in the market to purchase and take on the responsibility of owning our very first dog as a couple. We have both had dogs growing up but, never took on the joy/challenge of raising one. The man of the house is from a big hunting family, where every winter loved pheasant hunting with friends and family, so a dog of strong hunting background was a must. The woman of the house had severe allergies especially from pets, so she wanted a fun loving dog, with great loyalty and would love you unconditionally so our needs met on a German Shorthair Pointer.
Upon researching breeders near us, we came across Susan Herrel at High Point Kennels. Something stood out from the first conversation we had with Susan, she had the passion and attitude of a wonderful person who really cared about what she did with her dogs. All of our questions were answered very politely and thoroughly, Susan was willing to go above and beyond what was requested before purchasing our new pup as it is a very big decision versus some of other local breeders that seemed to shrug off some of our questions.
After deciding to visit High Point Kennels, our first impression was how well kept the kennels were and how enthusiastic and passionate Susan was about her facility and the dogs she cared for. The pups had a very cozy kennel where they had fresh bedding and clean water. Susan had both the Sire and Dam on site so evaluating the parents of the liter was a breeze. Susan also provided countless answers for our many questions and her knowledge of the breed was remarkable to say the least. We ended up falling in love with a all liver male named "Rudy" bred from "Royal Royce" and "Lyrical Flair". Susan also provided all paperwork we ever needed for the pup along with schedules for all the pups needs as far as vaccinations and health care.
We are now proud owners of a 8 month old German Shorthair pup who has seen 16 live chukar, and 3 live pigeons and is progressing with each training session. With a busy work schedule, we work with Rudy doing whatever we can such as obedience and socialization to retrieving and conditioning because, his prey drive and pointing was NEVER an issue. With stellar points, and a ever so developing nose, a incredible prey drive, and a love that is unconditional Rudy is quickly becoming the dog we have always wanted for our family.
To this day we stay in contact with Susan picking her brain on all the curiousness we have about this breed, and basic day to day puppy questions. She has been instrumental in the training we have labored and the everyday life decisions in raising one of these joyous dogs. Since owning Rudy, we have been back to High Point Kennels for training sessions and priceless advice from Susan! We are so very thankful for everything Susan has done and continues to do for us and our bird hunting machine, Rudy. We will not recommend another breeder besides Susan to anyone looking for a hunting dog that will be the perfect companion for their family.
Thank you Susan for Rudy!
Brandon & Leah Arndt