PUPPY GUARANTEE: This AKC registered German Shorthaired Pointer puppy has had a thorough veterinarian exam and is healthy upon delivery unless otherwise noted. This puppy is guaranteed to be healthy and free of illness for seven days from delivery.
BUYERS REQUIREMENTS: To the best of his/her ability the Buyer full agrees to the following stipulations:
To have the puppy examined by a licensed veterinarian within the seven day guarantee period. If the puppy is found to be unhealthy the Buyer agrees to return the puppy immediately to the Seller for veterinary treatment. If the Buyer decides to have their puppy treated by their own veterinarian the Buyer will be responsible for all veterinary costs. The seller agrees to pay for all necessary veterinary treatment if the Buyer returns the puppy to the Seller. After veterinary treatment the Seller will return the puppy to the Buyer. If the illness is untreatable the Seller will refund the purchase price or give pick of the litter with the next available litter of puppies. Injuries and trauma which occur under the care of the Buyer are not covered with this agreement. Dogs that have been shipped out of state are the responsibility of the Buyer.
To provide a fenced yard and to prevent the dog from running the streets without chaining or tethering the dog.
To provide the care of a qualified veterinarian in the case of illness or injury and for preventative care.
To provide proper nutrition as advised by the veterinarian or breeder. This puppy was raised on either Eukanuba Puppy food or Purina ProPlan Puppy food.
To provide shelter from the weather both in winter and summer.
To at NO TIME allow the dog to ride outside of a travel crate while in or on the bed of a pickup truck or other open vehicle.
To care for this dog physically and emotionally as the loving, totally dependent living being that the dog is.
To contact the Seller for advice and/or assistance if, for reasons beyond the Buyer’s control, the Buyer finds that the above conditions cannot be met.
To offer the Seller the right of first refusal should the Buyer decide to transfer possession or ownership of the dog.
To provide the Seller with any and all changes of address during the dog’s life.
To warrant that said dog will be genetically capable of fulfilling his/her purpose with proper care and training. If a genetic abnormality does arise, the Seller will refund the purchase price of the puppy and give the Buyer pick of the next available litter. If the litter chosen already has puppies reserved, Buyer can choose from the remaining puppies. All refunds will be held until the Buyer provides the Seller with valid veterinary radiographs or blood work results.
To warrant that said dog will be healthy for a period of seven days from the time the dog is transferred to the Buyer. This provision is dependent on the responsible handling of the Buyer in regards to keeping the puppy away from high dog areas such as pet stores and dog parks.
That the Buyer has been made aware of the athletic nature of this breed of dog and to potential difficulties of improper care and training.
PAYMENT TERMS: Unless prior arrangements are made, payment is expected in full upon delivery of the puppy. If payment arrangements are made, all AKC papers will be held until final payment has been received and payment has cleared Seller’s bank. The puppy described below has been purchased for ________________ total price by:
NAME: __________________________________________________
CITY, STATE:_____________________________________________
EMAIL ADDRESS:__________________________________________
MALE: ___________ FEMALE: __________
DAM: __________________________________
DOB: __________________ MARKINGS: ___________________________
Umbilical Hernia: Yes No
Both Testicles Descended Yes No
Received Veterinary Health Record Yes No
BUYER’S SIGNATURE: ______________________________________DATE:____________
SELLER’S SIGNATURE: _____________________________________DATE:___________
High Point Kennels Puppy Policies
Waiting List
It is recommended to place your name on the waiting list of the litter of puppies you are interested in. A $200 deposit will hold a puppy for you. This deposit will be applied to the purchase price of your puppy. If you decide to purchase a puppy from another breeder your deposit becomes non-refundable. If there is not a puppy that meets your expectations in the litter you have chosen you can move your deposit onto another litter. If you move your choice to another litter and there is already a waiting list started, your choice will be placed behind the others already on the list. I will honor your deposit for one year.
Purchasing Your Puppy
It is reccommended that you come out to the kennel to meet the puppies in person. If this is not possible then I will assist you on picking out the right puppy for you based on three criteria and their order of importance. The criteria are the sex of the puppy, hunting instincts and coat color. You are more than welcome to pay for your puppy with a bank check, cash or credit card. State taxes are included in the purchase price of your puppy. The full purchase price must be paid prior to transfer of the puppy. All puppies come with AKC registration papers that will be held until a signed sales aggreement has been filled out and payment has been received in full.
Shipping Your Puppy
I am happy to ship your puppy anywhere in the contenintal United States, Alaska and Canada. I charge and additional $250-350 for my shipping costs. These costs include the health certificate, travel crate, crate pad, food and water bowls, collar, fuel, road tolls and my time. The airline ticket is the buyer's responsibility. The puppies will be shipped COD. I will only ship with major airlines and the weather can determine which airline is available. I will make all the neccessary arrangements with the airlines to ship your puppy to the nearest international airport in your area. I will not use an agent to ship your puppy to you, this is strictly an agreement between the buyer and myself. If you are a scammer than forget contacting me about shipping a puppy.
I will keep all the receipts from the various vendors that I use to ship your puppy. These receipts will be sent to you after you have received your puppy. A refund will be issued if one is due. AKC registration papers will be mailed to you with the receipts and refund. All paperwork and puppy shipping will be held until a signed sales agreement has been received and payment is made in full.
Health Guarantee
Your puppy is guaranteed to be healthy and veterinary examined prior to transfer. This guarantee is good for the first seven days after purchase. During this time if your puppy gets sick and is in need of veterinary care, it needs to be returned to the Seller if possible. The Seller will have the puppy treated at no cost to the Buyer and returned to the Buyer after treatment. If the Buyer uses their own veterinarian for treatment when it was possible to return the puppy to the Seller, the Buyer is responsible for the costs of treatment. The Buyer has been made aware that the puppy is not fully protected from infectious diseases and will do everything in their control to protect the puppy from exposure. This includes, but is not limited to, avoiding high dog concentrated areas such as pet food stores, dog parks and any other areas of potential infection.
The Buyer agrees to have the puppy examined by their own veterinarian within the first seven days. If the puppy gets sick and the Buyer has not had the puppy examined then any and all treatment costs are the responsibility of the Buyer.
Puppies that are shipped and crossed state linesare not covered with the health guarantee.
Genetic Guarantee
All puppies from High Point Kennels are covered with a genetic guarantee. Hip dysplasia screening has been done with the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) on all sires and dams, and only dogs with a grading of 'Excellent' or 'Good' have been used for breeding. If your puppy has been diagnosed with hip dysplasia, an OFA grading of 'Poor' done at two years of age is required prior to a refund of the purchase price. A Penn Hip grading of less than 35 will also be accepted for a refund of the purchase price.
Other genetic defects are also covered with the guarantee including OCD lesions, seizures, and metabolic disorders. All genetic defects must be accompanied with diagnostic radiographs or bloodwork prior to a refund being issued.
Along with the refund of the purchase price the Buyer can choose another puppy from the next available litter at no cost.
Umbilical hernias are common and are not covered with this guarantee. If your puppy has developed an umbilical hernia the Seller will discount the purchase price by $50 or pay your veterinarian $50 towards the repair of the hernia. Most hernias will be repaired prior to the transfer of the puppy to the Buyer.